Book Your Next School Camp

Please contact 0413 631 046 for further information :-)
"Leadership Under the Stars" for High School Students
Campout for your next camp. Teachers and students can choose from different levels of challenge, all giving students the opportunity to become great leaders now and in the future...

Students Arrive...
ready for their adventure expedition. Students pack their bags and head out on their hike to their exclusive camping spot.
Arriving via Adventure Hike or Kayaking across the lake, students arrive at camp and start to setup their equipment, cooking and bonfire. Students realise a sense of ownership and responsibility.
After setting up, their activities begin. All of the activities are based on your key outcomes. All activities are briefed and debriefed by our qualified facilitators.
Including abseiling, kayaking, night hikes, team challenges, survivor scenarios and more, students have an amazing time bonding and learning in a pristine wide open space. One of Qld's best natural environments.

Students Experience...
Students get back to basics and take responsibility for their survival on camp. On completing the program, students feel refreshed and a great sense of ownership.
During the program, students are challenged with decision making realising that leadership, like life, is the sum total of the decisions we make.
Every decision has consequences. The program plants the seeds for the students to make choices to create better outcomes in life.
This program teaches the students the tools needed to become great leaders by using their surrounding which automatically gives them: focus, motivation, practice, perseverance, initiative, passion, courage, teachability, responsibility, teamwork and personal interaction. All the great traits of great leaders.

For Teachers... (Aust. Curriculum Does Apply to this Program)
Teachers notes are provided so that you can also debrief students and discuss their experiences. The bonfire provides an excellent opportunity to let your students express themselves in a safe environment.
As a teacher, your role is most important in facilitating the students to realise their own ability. Standing back and observing the students in each challenging situation.
This program is about letting the students accomplish and overcome their challenges on their own. We do also have teachers notes for discussions you can have before the expedition. An important part of this program is also downtime where students can enjoy their environment without electrnic equipment, mobile phones or other stimuli. Letting young adults, become adults using our natural environment.